Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Book of Joel

So I am reading the Daily Walk Bible (NIV Version) and so todays reading was The Book of Joel which is only 3 Chapters. 

So the overview of the Book is:

Disaster struck the southern kingdom of Judah without warning.  An ominous black cloud - the dreaded locusts - descended upon the land.  in a matter of hours, every green living thing had been stripped barer.  Joe, God's spokesman during the reign of Joash (835 - 796 B.C.), seizes the occasion to proclaim God's message.  the locust plague has been a terrible judgment for sin.  Yet God's future judgments during the day of the Lord willm ake the plague pale by comparison.  In that day God will destroy his enemies but bring unparalleled blessing to those who faithfully obey him.

After reading Joel's short three chapter book, try to summarize its description of God in a single word.
I can't choose one word --- I will say "MY EVERYTHING".
the book of Joel reads like the screenplay from a disaster movie:  locust swarms, drought, famine, raging brush fires, invading armies, astronomical catastrophes.  But why this display of calamitous events?  One reason becomes apparent at the end of the book: "Then you will know that I, the Lord your God, dwell in Zion: (3:17).  You cannot read Joel without coming to grips with the almighty God who sovereignly controls the course of history.
Not only is God big enough to move mountains, but he is also concerned enough to be a welcoming refuge and a strong fortress (3:16). That means he is your refuge, your stronghold, your fortress (all good words to choose for your one-word summary.)  (I CAN NEVER FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS)... opps 

Pick up a small rock and carry it with you today. Let it remind you that your fortress is big enough to rule this mighty universe, yet small enough to live within your heart.


I just thought I would share what the Bible said today....  Hope that you got something out of it.

Amazing Picture of God's Work

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