Wednesday, March 28, 2012

So has it been a long time or what.....

First I must apologize for being gone for such a long long time.  So much has happened since I have been away.  I have become a GRANDMOTHER (MiMi) is my name.  I just have no words to tell you what a JOY she is in my life.  I jokingly tell my kids.... if I had known it was this wonderful I would have done it first.  They do not seem to think it is as funny as I do....  I don't get it.   Anyway here is a picture of my precious girl....
 Now you see why I am so in love with this "little peanut".  Which is what we like to call her.  :o)  She is everything and more.  

So to say the least I have not been very productive when it comes to the art world these days.  My latest works are called "paper painting/collages" and here are a few of them.  You can find them in a Gallery in Greensboro, NC.  Elements Gallery on Elm Street.
This is an Exotic Bird....  Can't remember the kind of Bird but isn't it beautiful.  These markings are true to the bird I DID NOT MAKE IT UP.  :o)
 A Pumple (cross between an Apple and a Pumpkin..??)

 Kayla (my friends Lab)    A Tulip


This is just a bit of what I have been doing with my time.  I am going to begin a Paper Painting Series on the SKYLINES in Raleigh, Durham & Chapel Hill and then when I'm finished with that I am going to do the TRIAD (Greensboro, Winston Salem & High Point).

So Stay Tuned for that one.

Okay hopefully I have been forgiven for being away so long.  We'll see how long it takes to come back again.

Thursday, June 16, 2011


So I have been gone awhile but I have not mastered this Blogging thing as of yet.  I'm working on it though, truly I am... 

So where have I been, You ask?

I promised myself that this year I was going to do some traveling for ART.  I have taken three (3) workshops (since October 2010).  One to Fort Bragg, CA with Susan Louise Moyer studying more techniques regarding Silk Painting. Another class in Albany, NY with my dear Friend Julie Murphy and we studied Fabric Collaging and had a fabulous time at a Bed and Breakfast there.  Met some amazing new friends and learned some fun things as well, but I have to say that this last one has been by far my favorite and I didn't have to travel as far to find it. 

I went to The Grand Bohemian in Asheville, NC and took a workshop from
Elizabeth St. Hilaire Nelson a Paper Painter (Collage) Artist. 

I think that I have decided that my focus in my art career is going to be of course my Silks (Silk Painting) and Collaging (Paper Painting) as Elizabeth likes to refer to it.  It is amazing and so relaxing and FUN.  Here are examples of some of my NEW work (both in Silks and Paper Painting).  I do hope you enjoy them. 

Stay tuned because I have 43 photos of FOOD that I am going to attempt.  A friend of mine loves to cook (as do I.)  She is amazing with a camera taking the pics of the things she makes.  I have asked her if I can use her photos to come up with Collages (Paper Paintings).  She has given me permission --- so now we will see what comes of these.  I am so excited about this adventure.... Stayed tuned. 

Until that time enjoy what has already come about.   If you see anything that you like or would like to request something please drop me a line - you can also go to my website and see what I have available there 


Titmouse  5 x 7 Paper Painting

Triptic of Fruit  each is 4 x 4  Paper Paintings

The Guitar Man  24 x 20  Paper Painting

Grapes  36 x 36 (even tho it appears to be a 30 x 40) Acrylic & Paper Painting
 Okay well that is just a few.  I have my new paper paintings but have not posted them.  I have entered two of them in a N.E.W. juried show.  So until I hear back from them I really shouldn't post them yet.  Keep good thoughts that I'll get in this show.

Before I leave you --  I have been reading a book.  Title:  Praying for a Purpose for Women by Katie Brazelton.  It is an amazing book and I so recommend it to every woman out there.  One silly thing that was said and yet so true to remember each day. 

"The Best Thing to Do Behind a Person's Back is to Pat it."


Dots in Golden Yellow and Turquoise on a Periwinkle Background
15 x 72   Silk

DragonFlys anone  15 x 60 Silk

Abstract in Blues  15 x 72  Silk

Abstract in Pinks  15 x 72  Silk

Have a fantastic day everyone.... 

Friday, January 28, 2011


January 28, 2011

Well HAPPY NEW YEAR all. It has been awhile since I have been on. Sorry about that. I have had to have my floors refinished (ugggg) and now that that is done I am focusing on Valentines Scarves..... Wahoo.

I have some new ones.... Take a look at the pictures. They are so fun and pretty. I will be happy to make some for you. You can say which one you like and I will try to make it sorta like that one. All the ones you see on the site for Seasonal Scarves are SOLD... but can always try to make it sorta the same. You know they will always be personalized anyway. You know it doesn't have to be Valentines to say "I Love you" with a HEART scarf...

Enjoy the pictures of the new ones.... and some of the OLD ONES.

Hope you have a wonderful Valentines and God Bless all of you....

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

How many times can I say AMAZING.... FIVE.... but it seems like MORE

Okay I know it has been awhile.  I first want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas.  It is now December 28th, 2010 and almost the NEW YEAR.  What do I wish for the New Year. 
Wow...  Health for sure --- Happiness and Contentment for my family and friends. 
My family --- Happiness, Health, Ease in Life, Dreams fullfilled....., Love in life....
I have realized in my 53 years (and it has taken this many 53 years to realize it)  I am very blessed in so many ways and so very thankful for that.  My family is AMAZING, my life --- well it is also Amazing.  I just have no complaints --- none that are worth speaking out loud of.  I just look around and see that there are so many people and organizations that I can help with and I am going to do that in 2011.  For one I am going to start working with Urban Ministries.  What an amazing organization that this is....  I am very excited about this actually.  When I figure it out more I will let you know.

Until that time I just want to thank God for my Health, My Family, My Friends.... My Life....  It is such a short time we have here on this earth and I don't want to waste a moment of it. 

My youngest got a camera for Christmas and she has been taking pictures (we got snow for Christmas --- can you believe it  --- anyway here are some of them...  Enjoy and again if I haven't said it.

Happy New Year....

Arent' they amazing....  She does have an eye for this photography...  :o)


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Okay so maybe I lied... I haven't left after all

Well okay....  So I said I was going to start a new blog and I did - SORTA...  It is part of my Artist Website and than check out the left hand side and you can see the Blog.  But it is mainly for Art Instruction if you will.  I like the idea of it and I think that it will be a good thing but I miss writing in this Blog.  I can just say want I want and just well be ME.  So I am not going to end this Blog site.  I may not be back all the time --- but than was I really here that often in the first place NO.  So nothing has changed.

I have found out today that I have a torn MCL --- just great.  I fell the other day (so stupid) and gave myself a huge goose egg on my head and cut my face (Slightly) and twisted my knee.  But when I couldn't walk on it I decided to go to the Doc and low and behold I had to have an MRI (WHICH MIND YOU I WAS TERRIFIED) and it came out that I have a torn MCL.  It might even be more but i won't know until next week when I go talk to the doc.  I am soooo bummed to say the least.

Oh well,  not going to have surgery until after the Holidays.... Just not going to deal with that right now. So there.  :o)

Okay I have rambled and told you my wows so now i will depart for now but I WILL BE BACK.  Not leaving this time.  Aren't you glad. 

Oh and just so you can keep up with some of my Art still on this site --- sorry Scott....  see some of the latest scarves and also a couple of my Collages...

So now I will call it an evening...

Hope you have a Blessed Thanksgiving each and everyone of you and take the time to tell those you love how much you appreciate them and how much they mean to you.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Okay, so I know that I have this Blog site and I'm not going to stop using it (but I probably won't be here as often). 
I am not going to post my ART on this site anymore.  I have started a new BLOG that is also attached to my website  and here is the address:;s_Art_Blog

I know that it is rather lengthy -- so just make sure you cut and paste.  But I do hope you will enjoy it.
I will be having Art Topics on it and hopefully teaching as I go. 
I will come back here from time to time so don't worry.  Thanks for coming and reading.  I never had any comments so maybe noone really ever did read this Blog.  If that is the case -- than I won't be missed.  :o)  God Bless All of you... 

Oh before I go I do need to recommend a book that I am reading.  It is wonderful. 

"The Story of God, the Story of Us" 
By: Sean Gladding

Enjoy my Friends.



Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Week and my SON

So it has been a little while since I have written and it seems that I am mainly writing about my Bible Studies these days -- but again that's okay for now because it seems that is what is on my mind these days.

First before I tell you about what I read this week I just have to say that I had the wonderful pleasure of sharing some time with my son this past weekend.  He came in to visit and even though he was out and about with his friends (which I so expected him to do) it was nice when I had a little time with him.  Mainly we just sat and talked with he and his Dad -- but when he first got home he was telling me that he has been thinking about maybe NOT being Ordained.  Now he can go thru seminary and NOT be ordained and that bothered me at first.  He said that if he did become ordained in the Methodist Church that he than would have to be in the Methodist Church solely.  Now I'm sure that is not competely accurate --- he could go to another non denominational church but it would be harder. Anyway he said that he hasn't made the decision but I said that I really wanted him to be ordained and he asked me WHY.  I said well (not really an exact answer cause I didn't really have a GOOD one --- but "JUST BECAUSE" sounded good to me,,, so I said, " to Minister you need to be ordained like you need to be baptized" -- at least in my silly mind.  He told me "Mom everyone is a Minister.  If you are a Christian than you are called to be a Minister."   Well after going back and forth with him --- and me not winning this argument I let it drop (FOR NOW).  But than I started to think.   Maybe he is right - and at the end of the day --- it is not my LIFE but HIS and how he serves God is his personal Journey -- NOT MINE.  
My kids are amazing people and Lee and I must have done something right cause God showed us how to get them this far... I am just so proud of all of them and Tyler you just knock my socks off each and every day.

Now what I read this week that just floored me as well.....

A Poem  
Author:  Unknown

I counted dollars while God counted crosses.  
I counted gain while He counted losses.
I counted my worth by the things gained in store,
But he sized me up by the scars that I bore.
I coveted honors, and sought for degrees.
He wept as he counted the hours on my knees.
I never knew till one day by a grave,
How vain are the things that we spend life to save.
I did not yet know, "til a Friend from above,
Said, richest is he who is rich in God's love!

Revelations is such a powerful Book of the Bible and I have learned so much and I am not even out of Chapter 2.

...Our Lord says the true riches are those that come from within, where the heart is filled with the grace and love of God.  There is an experience of close relationships with other people; they become dear and precious to us. That was the experience of the Church of Smyrna in Chapter 2.

....I read once about a Christian who was going through a time of great misunderstanding and attack, and he could not do much to defend himself.  One day a friend of his came up and took him by the hand and told him how much he sympathized with him for what he was going through.  But, looking him in the eye, he said, "Remember, they have not spit in your face yet."  It was a reference, of course, to Jesus.  They did spit in his face. They smote him.  They plucked the hair from his beard.  They beat him on the back with rods.  They lied about him.  So Christians who endure mistreatment and misjudgment must remember that the Lord knows what it is like.

....The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans that "the sufferings of this present moment are not to be compared with the glory that shall be reveled in us."  Romans 8:18 

So anyway --- just wanted to share what I have learned this week and it is only TUESDAY.  What does this wonderful week have left to offer me.  I can hardly wait.  Thank you Lord for showing me so many wonderful people and opportunities in this life I lead.